Principal Investigators | |
Alexandra Carpentier | Professor at the University of Postdam, Germany |
Holger Dette | Professor at the Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany (Speaker) |
Moritz Jirak | Professor at the University of Vienna, Austria |
Alexander Meister | Professor at the University of Rostock, Germany |
Axel Munk | Professor at the Georg August University Göttingen, Germany |
Markus Reiß | Professor at the Humboldt University Berlin, Germany |
Angelika Rohde | Professor at the Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg, Germany (Speaker) |
Lukas Steinberger | Assistent Professor at the University of Vienna, Austria |
PhD Students | |
This page contains a list of PhD students that are members of the research unit. | |
PostDocs | |
This page lists postdoctoral researchers supported by the research unit. | |